Better Handle Existing Data in Online Registration
As we head into the second year of Online Registration, we wanted to improve its functionality when data already exists in SchoolInsight. We added a “What to Show” setting for Fields with three options for handling previously collected data:

Always display with existing data
This option collects data every year, and is used when parents should update existing values in the system – they don’t need to enter it from scratch each time. A good example is address. It’s best to show parents their current address, and allow them to change it if they’ve moved.
Prior to this release, all fields functioned this way. It will be the default moving forward.
Always display as blank
A second choice is to always show parents a blank field, even if the system already has data. This is good for fields like “Allow student’s photos to be used in the yearbook,” where parents need to opt in annually.
Only display if no data exists
Some fields have data that doesn’t change, and parents should submit them once. A good example is birthdate. Once a parent enters it, and it’s been verified, we don’t want to show it again. Repeated entries just create more work for staff.
We hope that you like the new features in SchoolInsight. Feel free to keep the feedback/suggestions coming.
The Common Goal Team