Android App for Admins/Teachers
We are proud to announce the availability of an Android mobile app, TeacherEase for Admins/Teachers. It can be downloaded at the Google Play Store:
The Android app is very similar to our existing iOS mobile app for admins/teachers, and shares much of the back-end server code. It supports mobile-specific screens, persistent login, and authentication with pin, fingerprint, face, etc. If you’d like more details, check out our previous news articles for the iOS mobile app. Most of the user-facing functionality is the same.
One difference is that we haven’t yet implemented notifications in Android. This is under development and will come soon, bringing the Android app to parity with iOS.
We also plan to release an Android app for parents and students. It is also under development and is coming soon.
Here are a few screenshots of the app.

We hope you enjoy the new app for Android.
The Common Goal Team