Common Goal Systems
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May 02, 2017
May Webinars
May’s webinars focus on end-of-year tasks. Register for our webinars about yearly rollover, online registration, and report card management to complete this year and have a successful start for the next academic year.
Yearly Rollover Simplified
SchoolInsight makes it easy to transition from one year to the next. Learn how to transfer students, copy report cards, rollover account balances, and verify your system is configured to meet your needs.
Audience: School or district Admins who manage yearly configuration in the system.
Tuesday, May 2 at 10:00AM CT - Register Here
Thursday, May 11 at 12:30PM CT - Register Here
Online Registration: Easily Enroll Students for Next Year
Ready to register students for next year? SchoolInsight’s integrated Online Registration tool helps manage this process. It allows parents to enter data online, saving admins data entry time while still maintaining control of the process. Forms can be distributed electronically and fees collected during the process. Admins monitor progress and review all changes prior to accepting them into the system. This webinar includes the added New Student Registration feature.
Thursday, May 4 at 10:00AM CT - Register Here
Managing Report Cards in SchoolInsight
Effectively communicate student progress to parents. Build highly configurable report cards for traditional and/or standards-based grades. Utilize different grading scales and report multiple assessments per class. Integrate honor roll, GPA, and attendance.
Topics include building report cards and assigning them to courses, opening report cards to instructors, adding scores to report cards as an instructor or admin, verifying instructors have entered report cards, integrating honor roll, calculating GPA, and printing or publishing report cards.
Audience: District or school admins, secretaries, anyone who manages report cards
Tuesday, May 9 at 10:00AM CT - Register Here
These webinars are recorded and posted on the Webinars page