Contact: Linda Murrin
866-847-3405 x108
[email protected]
For Immediate release
August 2013 Product Release
Elmhurst, IL (August 16, 2013) – Common Goal Systems, a leading developer of cloud-based software for schools, announces several enhancements to TeacherEase and SchoolInsight. TeacherEase is software for the digital classroom and includes: Learning Management System, Curriculum and Lesson Planning, and Standards-based Gradebook. SchoolInsight is a comprehensive student information system.
The new functionality includes:
News Feed and Comments. Immediately see announcements, email communications, and recent events right on the main page. It’s easy for instructors and students to see other TeacherEase users activities that pertain to them. For instance, teachers can see when they receive email, when student post comments, when an online assignment is handed in (LMS only), etc. Students can see when they get assignments, announcements, etc. Also control what’s shown in the News Feed to filter the most important things for you.
Additionally a comment thread mechanism has been implemented. Students and teachers can chat with each other about lessons and assignments. Teachers can easily take advantage of social constructionism in their classrooms by encouraging students to work together online. In conjunction with the News Feed, teachers can monitor and moderate the student discussions to maintain a positive digital classroom environment.
Here’s a video/article that discusses these changes.
Instructor Main (click on gear icon to change preferences)
Gradebook updates. Fresh look to Scores/Comments page. Cleaner interface and UI improvements allow you to focus on students and their grades. Nice integration with LMS to grade work handed in online right from the Scores/Comments page.
Instructor Main > Scores/Comments
Semester running total. New grading mode. Track student progress across a semester by tallying a running total across multiple grading periods (instead of averaging quarterly averages). Semester report card grades are similarly calculated.
School Main > Grade Reporting>Options
Instructor Main > Scores/Comments
(OK Only) Oklahoma Eligibility. Automatically calculate two week eligibility; quickly see students not eligible to participate in activities based upon gradebook grades.
School Main > Reports > Gradebook - Eligibility
Students publish and peer review. We’ve added a redefining activity for students to create, analyze, and work with higher level concepts (LMS only). Publish student work to the entire class where it can be read by all students. Students are assigned to write reviews of each other’s work. Students enjoy the interaction of working with each other and teachers can assess the quality of the review’s analysis and persuasion.
Instructor Main > Curricula > Create Assignment > Add Resource > Publish & Peer Review
Next Generation Science Standards. We’re keeping you plugged into the latest national standards efforts. Based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council, these standards are now available to you to include in your lessons, assignments, etc.
School Main > Standards & Planning > Standards
Instructor Main > Setup > Class Standards
ISBE Updates. Changes for the 2013-14 year have been implemented and rolled out with this release.
MOSIS Updates. Changes for the 2013-14 year have been implemented and rolled out with this release.
Health modules changes to support vaccine requirements. Vaccine requirements have updated. We now can model more complex requirements - allowing you to better track students’ immunization data.
School Main > Health Records > Immunizations
New “Date Picker”. A new “date picker” has been implemented to make it easier to choose entry/exit dates on rosters based upon semesters and grading periods. Specify grading periods and the system automatically translates them to actual dates. The more modern UI picker will be propagated to other pages in the site in the future.
School Main > Classes/Sections > roster > edit
Generate transcript by subject area. Arrange transcripts by subject area
School Main > Grade Reporting > Generate Transcript
Common Goal Systems ( provides web-based services for education. It provides SchoolInsight, an industry leading student information system and TeacherEase, software for the digital classroom. Using Software as a Service (SaaS), the company offers products via the Internet and is responsible for all system operation and maintenance. Founded in 2001, Common Goal Systems has hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.
- Common Goal Systems, Inc Press Release, August 16, 2013