Annual Renewals and Inflation



Thank you to all Common Goal Systems’ customers.  We appreciate your business, and wouldn’t be here without your support.  For budgetary planning, we just posted renewal order forms for the 2022-23 school year.  If you are an organizational contact for your school/district, you should have received an email with a link to your renewal.  They can also be found at:

Admin Main > Manage Subscription

School District Admin Main > Manage Subscription


For next year, we’ve chosen to raise prices 6% to keep pace with inflation.  You can find our updated pricing page here: 


While this is more than previous years, we looked at the trajectory of economic indicators and feel this increase is necessary based upon inflation in the economy.  Please see the data below that informed our thinking, and notice that our increase is on the lower end of the range.


Economic Indicator

Annual Rate of Increase

Consumer Price Index (Q4 2021)


Producer Price Index (Jan 2022)


Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment (2022)


Common Goal Systems Pricing



Our goal is to offer constantly improving products for stable prices (adjusted for inflation).  This provides increasing value for customers with predictable and affordable costs, likely in line with annual budgetary increases.  Simultaneously it allows our company to keep pace with the rising cost of inputs (staff compensation, hardware, power, rent, etc) and continue to provide good service.


Just a quick note for Online Registration in 2022-23.  We plan a couple of releases for the upcoming season (the devs are already at work), but will keep the module in beta for next year.  Since it won’t be mostly completed, we won’t charge for it next year.  We’ll publish more news when we’re closer to release.


We hope customers have enjoyed using our products over the past year, and will continue with their subscriptions.  Feel free to reach out to your account manager, if you have questions or concerns.  Thank you for your business.



The Common Goal Team